Ecigarettes or what is formally known as the electronic cigarette is the newest revolution in the world of smokers and cigars. It has a specialized mechanism that will enable the user to operate it just like a normal cigarette. Some prefer the original smokes while others have learn to like the newer version of cigarettes.
Since its discovery up to know there are already many versions of Ecigarettes in the market. Most often than not it is very confusing for a person who wants to try it choose which is which. There are a variety of vapor electronic cigarettes for sale nowadays. Giving you the possible options you can choose from might help you in deciding which you want to use.
Fortunately, the different types also have different sizes and shapes. They also differ in appearance most of the time. If you have the proper description, you can immediately tell which Ecigarette is part of which category. With the right information at hand and basing on your experience and what you want, choosing which kind you want to try would be easier for you.
As mentioned, they differ in appearance. But if the look of the Ecigarette is not that reliable, you can always turn to the shape or the size. The different categories have its respective sizes that are a sure fire giveaway on what type it belongs. There are designs that will be the same despite the difference in size. Do not be confused, these are the times when it is made by the same company. The Ecigarettes fall in to any of the three major types below.
The Mini type is the most common of all the three. You can directly tell that it is a mini because it looks like the traditional cigarettes. When a person wants to have a smooth transition to vape smoking, Mini is the way to go. At some point, all vape smokers have tried using these kind of Ecigar for a certain period of time.
Those who are really light or occasional smokers would find pleasure Minis. Another thing is that it would not break the bank because it is very cheap. You can just find a plug and recharge it. There are other types that are also disposable like genuine cigarettes but they are also not that costly.
If you are looking to double your intake of vapor you should go for Mid sizes Ecigarettes. They have higher vapor production performance compared to Minis. Heavy smokers would definitely enjoy this variety.
Mid sizes are just the size of the normal cigar. One setback is that this type is manually operated unlike most Minis. There is a tiny on and off button which you need to press. But it multiplies the performance of the Minis by two.
The last category is the AVPs more commonly know as MODs. AVP stands for Advance Personal Vaporizer and is the biggest Ecig of the three. The shape of the this type is usually like a flashlight and then there are others that would look like a packet of cigarette. Best feature is are the different buttons that allow you to control the functions of the device. You can also choose to replace the battery wherever you think that the battery life is not what it used to be affecting the performance of the vape smoke. Because of its complexity, most beginners are not particularly thrilled with the idea of using a MOD which is why they settle in either the Mid or the Minis.
Since its discovery up to know there are already many versions of Ecigarettes in the market. Most often than not it is very confusing for a person who wants to try it choose which is which. There are a variety of vapor electronic cigarettes for sale nowadays. Giving you the possible options you can choose from might help you in deciding which you want to use.
Fortunately, the different types also have different sizes and shapes. They also differ in appearance most of the time. If you have the proper description, you can immediately tell which Ecigarette is part of which category. With the right information at hand and basing on your experience and what you want, choosing which kind you want to try would be easier for you.
As mentioned, they differ in appearance. But if the look of the Ecigarette is not that reliable, you can always turn to the shape or the size. The different categories have its respective sizes that are a sure fire giveaway on what type it belongs. There are designs that will be the same despite the difference in size. Do not be confused, these are the times when it is made by the same company. The Ecigarettes fall in to any of the three major types below.
The Mini type is the most common of all the three. You can directly tell that it is a mini because it looks like the traditional cigarettes. When a person wants to have a smooth transition to vape smoking, Mini is the way to go. At some point, all vape smokers have tried using these kind of Ecigar for a certain period of time.
Those who are really light or occasional smokers would find pleasure Minis. Another thing is that it would not break the bank because it is very cheap. You can just find a plug and recharge it. There are other types that are also disposable like genuine cigarettes but they are also not that costly.
If you are looking to double your intake of vapor you should go for Mid sizes Ecigarettes. They have higher vapor production performance compared to Minis. Heavy smokers would definitely enjoy this variety.
Mid sizes are just the size of the normal cigar. One setback is that this type is manually operated unlike most Minis. There is a tiny on and off button which you need to press. But it multiplies the performance of the Minis by two.
The last category is the AVPs more commonly know as MODs. AVP stands for Advance Personal Vaporizer and is the biggest Ecig of the three. The shape of the this type is usually like a flashlight and then there are others that would look like a packet of cigarette. Best feature is are the different buttons that allow you to control the functions of the device. You can also choose to replace the battery wherever you think that the battery life is not what it used to be affecting the performance of the vape smoke. Because of its complexity, most beginners are not particularly thrilled with the idea of using a MOD which is why they settle in either the Mid or the Minis.
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