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EKG And Phlebotomy Training Certification Requirements

By Arline Bradley

Humans, despite being the most intelligent among all the other creatures, do not really know everything, there are lots of things that even the most educated person can not explain, there are phenomena that even field experts and those who had ekg and phlebotomy training in bronx can not fathom. One of the mysteries that remain unsolved is the human body itself.

One of the most important parts of the human body include the blood. It serves as a natural courier, a deliverer of oxygen and nutrients to all the parts. The are about five to six liters inside each person. One can have more blood than the other person, depending on size. Each also has different types, the most common being O positive and the rarest being AB negative.

Since blood is essential for life, everyone is encouraged to donate some. Donation can save millions of lives for the recipient. This does not only benefit the one being given, but also the giver. Donating is a way of having free medical check up because you will undergo a battery of medical tests to ensure that the donor is healthy to prevent the spread of unwanted diseases. This way you will know your health status without even spending anything.

It can also reduce the risk of having deadly diseases such as cancer and heart disease. These two are closely linked with high iron concentration in the blood. If you donate, you are giving your body a chance to produce new healthy blood and keep iron levels in check. This can also help you lose weight, since a single donation burn 650 kcal.

Those who wish to donate will have to undergo phlebotomy. This is the act of drawing blood not only for donations but also for type, drug and urinalysis testing. The one who does phlebotomy is called a phlebotomy technician.

On the other hand, an electrocardiogram or EKG tests heart activity. It is also used to find irregular heartbeats that could well be the start of a disease. An EKG technician also does this to find the underlying reasons for unexplainable chest pain.

In light of budgeting medical resources, hospitals and clinics nowadays employ only one individual to do both. He or she is now a phlebotomy and EKG technician. He or she is also tasked to keep supplies in check and do office duty aside from the usual EKG testing and sample testing.

To become a certified technician there are some steps that you should undertake to reach your end goal. You need to finish high school or pass the GED exam. You should also be free from contagious diseases and have all the required vaccinations. You will also be required to take a drug and background check.

Then you have to determine the certification bodies that are acknowledged in your state area. Then enroll in a training program to help you get ready for the next exam. This usually takes at most four months to complete. After which, you will have to sit through and pass the National Certification Exam.

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