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Facts About Sleeve Gastrectomy New York Patients May Benefit From

By Gregory Anderson

Obesity is an all too familiar condition affecting people of all ages worldwide. It has become a worrying trend not only because we are neglecting our diet choices but also indicates our failing to regularly exercise. Exceptionally, in spite of efforts to deliberately keep fit, weight gain can be persistent in people living with diabetes and genetically affected families. Hence, a weight reducing operation can be of tremendous help for such people. These are some facts about sleeve gastrectomy New York residents may find beneficial.

Gastrectomy is partial or complete removal of the stomach surgically. In sleeve gastrectomy, part of the stomach is removed (about eighty percent) and the remaining is fashioned into a continuous tube(sleeve). In this procedure, the greater curvature of the stomach is cut vertically extending from the upper portion to the lower portion. It was originally done as a preliminary procedure for gastric bypass. Later, it was discovered that it worked just well on its own without any further modification.

At least six hours of starvation prior to performing the surgery are required. A comprehensive drug history is also needed as some of the drugs could negatively interfere with the operation. For instance, female patients are usually advised to stay off the pill for a given period of time as this could predispose them to deep vein thrombosis post operatively. Also, routine blood tests should be carried out to ascertain the efficiency of all your crucial organs. Laparoscopy is preferred over open surgery becomes it is minimally invasive and results in less complications.

Post operatively, the patient may be in pain and pain medication will be prescribed. It also takes time for bowel movements to return to normal. The initial diet should, therefore, be gentle to the digestive system. The individual can slowly move from taking clear fluids, to semi solids, soft solids to finally resuming normal diet. In the early period after operation, the individual need not engage in strenuous activities as this can result in wound breakdown.

The average amount of weight loss from this procedure is sixty percent you excess weight. This does not happen immediately but in about eighteen months. At some point, the patient may stop losing weight before reaching the target. This is because the body responds by slowing down the rate of metabolism in order to compensate for the drastic loss. Therefore, one needs to actively exercise to get past this stage.

The time taken to complete a single sleeve gastrectomy is much shorter compared to other procedures with the same purpose. Dumping syndrome is one of the commonest complications in weight reduction surgeries. Fortunately, this is not the case in sleeve surgery whose only focus is the stomach. Ghrelin, the hormone that causes hunger is removed in surgery, hence hunger pangs are not a bother for patients post operatively.

One of the downsides to gastrectomy is hormonal response to sudden significant weight reduction. These hormonal changes result in frequent swings in mood, fatigue and personality. In addition, the surgery does not offer a permanent solution and lifestyle measures have to be strictly observed to ensure the desired weight is maintained.

In summary, keeping that figure you have always wished to have is not permanently achieved through the surgery alone. The operation totally changes your life. It means making conscious decisions about your diet and making physical exercise your best friend.

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