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Learn More About Neck Pain Russellville

By Betty Powell

Generally, many people experience stiff or painful necks that usually get better after several days or some weeks. In most cases, it does not indicate anything serious. However, the pain may persist for several months which could be a sign of a serious medical condition that require to be addressed. For better results, early interventions on neck pain Russellville may be necessary.

The neck or your cervical spine is usually a network of bones, joints, nerves and muscles coordinated by either the brain or the spinal cord. It serves the purpose of strength, nerve communication and facilitating stability. Certain issues contribute to the neck pains that people get. For instance, when your nerve pathway gets irritated, you may get the aches in the shoulders, hands, head, and arms.

Usually, there are a number of factors that may cause painful necks, these include poor sleeping positions, long use of computers leading to muscle straining due to wrong positioning. In addition, stress and anxiety which could strain the muscles resulting in too much pain due to the tension exerted. Other contributing factors include joint and bone abnormalities, tumors, trauma and degenerative diseases.

There are also a wide range of symptoms of this condition. One of the symptom is stiffness that makes it difficult to turn the head. Another symptom is stabbing or sharp pain in a particular spot. Also, a person may feel tenderness or soreness of the general area, or a painful situation radiating down into your arms, shoulders, and fingers or up into your head.

Sometimes, the symptoms associated with painful necks can even be more problematic. Such symptoms are such as a numbness, tingling or weakness that goes into the arms, shoulders and fingers, trouble lifting or gripping objects, loss of bowel or bladder control, as well as difficulty walking, coordination and balancing. However, minor painful necks are often ignored. At the same time, the pain could be so agonizing interfering with daily activities. Also, the ache could be short-lived, constant or recurrent.

However, there are different ways of diagnosing painful necks in Russellville AR. One way is through x-rays. An x-ray can reveal a narrow space between any two spinal bones, tumors, slipped discs, diseases like arthritis, fractures, as well as instability of your spinal column. Magnetic resonance imaging is another noninvasive procedure which could provide details of nerve related elements and problems of ligaments and tendons.

Other diagnostic methods are such as CT scan or myelography which is sometimes used instead of magnetic resonance imaging. Also, electro-diagnostic studies may be used in diagnosing painful neck, arms, shoulders as well as tingling and numbness.

The treatment of neck pains includes anti-inflammatory medications. The doctor may also prescribe pain reducing medicine. However, depending on what caused the ache, muscle relaxing medicines and antidepressants may come in handy. Other treatment methods include using ice or heat to relax the painful muscles. Another effective method is exercising that helps stretch muscles for instance after sleeping in the wrong posture. In extreme cases involving complications on the nerves or the spinal cord, surgery may be recommended though all in all the doctor helps one make the best decision on which treatment procedure to seek.

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