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Sport Teams Expand Cities, Like Etobicoke Volleyball

By Ericka Marsh

Nothing puts a town, city, or country on the map for many people quite like a sports team. This can become even more true during the period just prior and during an Olympic year, wherein athletes from many places come together. With the addition of this particular beach-centered pass-time as an event, it is possible more people will learn about the success of Etobicoke volleyball teams as they train the athletes who shall pursue the Gold.

Located on the beaches of Lake Ontario in the Ontario Province in Canada, this is a small community within a larger city. This is a community few people in the world are familiar with, but through media coverage of the Olympic Games, they hope to draw new visitors. Anyone who travels to Toronto may appreciate the small-town feel, and wish to book their hotel room in this small borough.

This area boasts some of the finest shopping centers in Toronto. For anyone who does not fear the far north, it is an ideal vacation destination during the months of October and November. One can visit a small city with a friendly atmosphere, take in the sites, learn about their burgeoning sports and recreation centers, and get their Holiday shopping in all at once.

Anyone from very small boys and girls right on up to teens and young adults can find training facilities, coaches, and teams here. They provide high-caliber training to show how seriously they take their game. Even prior professional players hop into it and provide formal tips and training to young athletes who wish to be their best.

Having a sporting event place a community on a stage benefits everyone equally. Young people watching the Olympic games take place often learn about countries and cities they never heard of. School papers are written about these athletes, complete with a historical narrative and geographical outline.

In this particular event, a great deal of attention has been paid to the female teams, and this has had a positive impact on the numbers of girls involved in sports. As a rule the media only covers sports played by all-male teams, but this is changing. Young women are seeing that college scholarships and Olympic rewards may be available to them.

Not only do the Olympics act as an equalizer to gender, but in past years it has been a great equalizer to members of minority races. We now see nearly as many women and minorities represented in the Olympic Hall of Fame. As the world recognizes the inherent equality among all people, many new faces can be seen stepping up.

Sports in our modern age is becoming about more than team spirit, leadership, and physical fitness. It is a tool of empowerment for women and other minorities, it places towns on the map for people all around the world, and it is steeped in traditions which are sometimes thousands of years old. Good sportsmanship has become a character trait rather than a manner of accepting defeat, and this trait is something the world could use more of in the future.

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