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How To Do Pregnancy Testing At Home

By Elaine Guthrie

A pregnancy testing is important for those unsure women and can't find whether she is pregnant or not. The pregnancy test is a tool used that will show pregnancy and often found in urine and blood. There are some who like to know the result in a clinic, but for some, they prefer to do this at home. You can easily acquire it online or at home. Here are important steps to consider when using your PT at home.

Basically, there are varieties of brands available in different drug stores nationwide. When you decide to buy your PT tool, it is necessary to check the end date on the package. Be sure that the box is still intact and without any damage as it could only affect your results. You can acquire a certain brand that provides 2 testing sticks. This is especially if you are planning to conduct pregnancy testing Mobile AL earlier.

It is best to decide when you will conduct the test. Most of the experts in Mobile AL say that it is best to take the process a day before you missed your menstruation though waiting for another week is effective. Actually, it would be hard on your part especially if you are worrying about the result.

Before using the pregnancy test, you need to read the manufacturer's instructions carefully. Basically, home urine tests are almost the same, but it is still important to follow such instructions given on the box. Most of the specifications will depend on the brand of PT you are using.

It is crucial to prepare yourself for this method. Taking the test a tough experience especially if you are hoping for a certain result. You may consider taking the test in a private place such as in the bathroom and give yourself more time as what is needed. You wash your hands with water and soap before using and remove the stick properly from its wrapper.

Next is to urinate either in a small plastic container or directly on the testing stick. This will actually depend on the type of testing you use. You may try using midstream samples. If you consider urinating directly on the stick, you need to adhere to the instructions properly.

Use a dropper when putting the urine to the testing stick. This is required when using a plastic cup pattern. After that, drop your urine to the stick. There are actually several kinds of brands available that need you to dip the stick to the collected urine. You have to hold that for at least 10 seconds that depending in the instructions.

Put the stick on a clean and level surface. You may need to wait for five minutes to ten minutes to give an exact result. You have to see some instructions on the specific time needed. While waiting, you may do something like reading a book and some exercises. If your PT is not working, you may need a different tool.

If is show negative results, you may try for the next week and do testing again. However, if there are other symptoms you may experience, you should look for your doctor as you may have other serious conditions that should be treated immediately. However, if it is positive, then you may visit your doctor for further testing.

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