
Do you think that these are the best solution?

Understanding Simple Stress Relief Techniques and games Try it.

Like it or not , stress is an inevitable part of modern life . Some people like to stress that the challenges of love and best performance under pressure, while others succumb to stress and sometimes it becomes too devastating to change their state of health and balance to make them sick both mentally and physically. If your work or family life is becoming too stressful for anonymous reasons Here are some stress relief techniques that can help you prepare for the challenges of contemporary life .• Do not be pessimistic :One of the main reasons Stress Relief games why people get stuck in a stressful situation is the fact that a significant part of the situation created by the person himself / herself . When a person begins to think in a negative way , you're bound to have problems , even in his greatest achievements . One of the simplest ways , and perhaps even Stress Relief games more effective in minimizing the stress begins to see the good side of things. If you are optimistic , you will eventually do better in situations that can lead to stress before .

• Change your response to stress :If you are a pessimist and have a knack for finding trouble in big situations , you are required to be stressed, even the smallest of problems. The best thing you can do to avoid stress and maintain a healthy lifestyle is to believe that stress is the result of the event and not the event itself . Once you have discovered the problem which leads to stress, you can even find the solution to the same problem. Identify the basic problem that leads to stress will help you deal with stress in a better way .• It becomes spiritual :No matter what your doctor thinks spirituality , the fact is that meditation and spiritual in nature Stress Relief games can help you have better control over your mind, body and emotions. Spirituality and meditation can help to find healthy ways and better to cope with stress, to ensure that not overreact to situations that can be dealt with otherwise. In fact , spirituality is one of the best stress relief techniques that can help support the challenges of modern life.

• not be available for everyone :Although we do not want others in need is neglected, you must ensure that there is always Stress Relief games taken all the problems of his colleagues and friends. If someone mentions a problem with you , try to avoid it if the problem is not serious and can be handled by someone else. Say yes to everything and everyone will take a toll on your mind, leaving you with less time to relax and add to the stress. Try to encourage your friends to solve their problems by themselves , unless , of course, you can easily solve your problem.

How To Prepare For Cancer Treatment American cancer institute

Receiving a diagnosis of cancer is scary. However, with advances in medical technology , treatment of the disease is possible. Instead of being overwhelmed by the choices and all information is to throw your way , take the time to sit down with your doctor to discuss what the treatment options for cancer would be good for you . By learning what to expect American cancer institute and ask the right questions, you can prepare to fight against the disease correctly.

After taking some personal time to diagnosis sink in , make an appointment with your doctor to discuss ways you can fight back. There are a variety of different treatment options for cancer that can be explored. When you meet with your doctor , make sure to ask specific questions about what each process includes how it was effective , and the length of time required to answer questions . With this information, you will be able to make an informed decision on the road that would suit your lifestyle.
Knowledge of the amount of pain and side effects associated with a particular type of cancer treatment will also help to prepare. While nobody wants to be told how much discomfort they feel , knowing what to expect can help you prepare mentally. You will be able to plan ahead and work with your team to find solutions to potential treatment for pain and may avoid serious side effects. This can reduce the anxiety you can feel the position in.

Then you are ready to undergo cancer treatment is largely mental side , there are things that you can get your body ready too. Maintain American cancer institute a healthy diet that includes a variety of vegetables , fruits and whole grains is good, but we must take things a little further to strengthen your body . Eat more calories, increase protein intake American cancer institute will help you become too weak and can help alleviate potential side effects . Provided dietary information and instructions from your doctor, you can assemble meals in advance for it retains its strength.

In addition to eating well , allowing American cancer institute your body to get the proper amount of rest before cancer treatment is essential. I do not intend to have a busy schedule , and adjust your work schedule as needed . You should also consider getting outside help from family members and friends to help in the execution of tasks at home. Conserving his American cancer institute energy for his therapy sessions, you will be able to tackle the disease head on.

The Gut-Mind-Emotion Dance Know all about it

Phrases as " intuition " or "butterflies" are familiar to us , even though they may seem cloche , research shows that the link between the gut , brain and our emotions are real. The intestine is a hollow tube of fabric , pleated integrated absorption of nutrients and cells of chemical spills subconscious mind. It is considered as a single system , with a major impact on how we feel. In fact, this is where 95% of serotonin , the happy petrochemical product. Therefore , pay attention to our gut , more specifically, with a tendency to our good bacteria is essential subconscious mind.

Interestingly, subconscious mind the intestinal microbe research has shed new light on the relationship between the stability of ecosystems and our emotions. Recently, an article in the animal behavior and explained how the micro biome molecules involved in gut-brain communication in mice is associated with depression and anxiety subconscious mind. In fact, many creatures of the animal kingdom to acquire appropriate behavior strange microbes for survival. Bourbon , for example, very important from bacteria through social contact with colleagues from the hive and feeding on their feces . A study by the American Society for Microbiology suggests that colonies of intestinal bacteria differed between autistic children and non - autistic . Autistic children have more gastrointestinal problems , such as severe inflammation that has been linked to behavioral problems . This evidence suggests that our worldview about ourselves and our body is too simplistic. Body systems are not separated from each other , but work together. Current research indicates that research on the relationship between our intestinal bacteria and soil ( us) is important. A solution that gives good results is free of mold , the human strain , gross, pre-and probiotic fermented . This combination replaces a lost ecosystem and provides essential nutrients ( probiotics ) . A large number of pre / probiotics on the market are due subconscious mind to technical processing mold , which causes toxicity in the body further .

The story does not end there a change in the internal environment allows the good bacteria to create a niche in the intestine , thus restoring the figures that have been lost by poor eating habits , antibiotics , exposure to heavy metals , radiation, artificial flavors and the large amount of additives present in our modern diet . Research on the effects of antibiotics in 2008 showed that after a dose of 5 days intestinal bacteria have changed dramatically. Those who were once abundant were reduced and a lower rank has increased. Thus, directly or indirectly our intestinal bacterial colonies have become unbalanced , which explains the sharp rise in obesity , allergies and inflammation. So, as the skin bacteria protect against infection if too do all the subconscious mind.

A Healing Miracle? The Truth about it.

A miracle cure?

" Would you consider a visit to the hospital before making the trip back north , " asked Rob .

" Who is he that came to visit " me , I asked.

" Jeremy is in hospital . Need someone to help start hiking in and out of bed . This is a great man , but you and Johnny can. Call Johnny 'm joining you . "

" What is the name of Jeremy ? "

"Knight" was the reply Rob .

It was two hours drive from the city of Los Angeles in front of me . He had just spent a weekend with family and friends and now this. Although a little tired and a lot on my mind, I called my daughter and told him he would stay one more night . Then I headed west to Boatman hospital visit, I had things in store for me.

I had no idea what it was, but I admired this man who was a wonderful bass voice . It was a pleasure to hear simple words , let alone hear him sing . Jeremy Knight was in the church choir and generally stood at the top of the choir loft commander of the space.

My black Jaguar sedan was so visible, but simply ignored the people who looked at me as I sat in the car to prepare my mind for the visit to see Jeremy .

" Nice car ," said a young man who said when leaving the vehicle .

I just smiled and I'm on my way to the hospital . The smell of hospital cleaning touched my senses . I then decided to turn around and leave the hospital. As it was not clear how long he would be there , it would help if you had something to eat before going to your room.

Hospital visits were part of my ministry and something that was usually happy to oblige. I felt something stirring inside me , but it was not fully in my senses at the time. A bite to eat give me more time to put my mind to the task , but it must be fast. I wanted to make sure I was on time.

Sitting in a small cafe for a few minutes , my mind began to focus on my desire to be useful .

" What role do I know Jeremy Knight? "

The person in the office to help me a moment, then told me his room number at the hospital and how to get there took .

Upon entering the room, he seemed to need more help . There were familiar faces around her bed , but four ladies seemed to be competing for your attention.

Jeremy was writing in a notebook to communicate with women. It seemed he was unable to speak .

I was a little disappointed. Jeremy had this incredible voice. I would not be able to hear today, I thought.

Pull up a chair , I waited my turn to talk to him. He said, smiling as I waited patiently for my turn with him.

The realization of my facial expression, one of the ladies took me aside to let me know what was happening .

" It seems you do not know what happened to Jeremy . Allow me to fill you , " the person said .

Pulling me aside in the great room, they told me that Jeremy had eaten something he was allergic . Anyway that made his throat swell and fortunately it happened while he was working . Jeremy was an employee of the hospital. There were tubes in the neck of a hole like it was surgically created in the neck to get oxygen to him. Emergency surgery was performed and it would have saved his life.

A powerful voice disappeared as Jeremy just write your thoughts in a notebook and I found a little frustrated that I had to write instead of talking .

It may seem trivial, but I decided that I wanted to see Boston vs Miami playoff game that was already in the game of television was in the upper corner of the hospital room. It was a large room and I am comfortable watching the game .

After about half an hour , everyone left the room and I was alone with Jeremy .

"Just watch the game and have fun , " Jeremy wrote to me in the book. " I want you to feel comfortable and I will watch the game too. "

At halftime of the game, pulled out my chair to bed and I saw one of the nurses came into the room .

" You do not seem to be in any pain," said the nurse .

Jeremy seemed to conserve energy. He just smiled and nodded as she left the room.

"It's really good to have you here , Jeremy told me in a very low whisper. Thank you for coming. I am honored that you would come see me.

I had forgotten that the other man had come to help him walk . It was just Jeremy and I in the room.

We really liked the game and we were happy with the result. Miami had won.

"It's been a while since I've seen. Church is no longer a big part of my life, but I am very happy that they put the word out that I enjoy the company , "said Jeremy whispered .

I really did not notice that his voice was gaining strength . I did , however, recalls the commitment that was now a thing of the past for Jeremy . It was not as active in the church and I was not aware , because I left Los Angeles.

" You give me a reminder of a part of my life that I must return . Agape Church is a wonderful community ," said Jeremy then .

His voice continued to strengthen. He was not with the keyboard, but it was not the voice that was used.

"We were both driven in an incredible organization. Reminds me of some of its commitments to the organization and I intend to go back to church after I heal , "said Jeremy .

"It will heal quickly and I hope you come back to church. You have an amazing voice and presence is a wonder, " I said .

" In fact, I am my voice now . This is wonderful. I feel good . I hope they allow me to leave the hospital soon. Now I do not feel the need to stay in this bed . been a while since the last time I went in and I need to practice on this. again, really thank you for being here , "said Jeremy stronger now .

We talked for an hour and continue to strengthen their voice. It seemed he had regained his strength in his voice when I left the hospital. It was a pleasure to be there and I knew I had seen a miracle overnight.

Then I came back from my daughter. Waking up early the next morning at 5:00 , I started my training in Los Angeles. It was a nice weekend .

About eight months later, I visited Los Angeles again . While attending the church I met Jeremy on the ground.

" It's good to see you here. I just joined the choir and I realize that does not live here in Los Angeles. Thanks again to visit me in the hospital, said Jeremy .

Apparently , he had a full recovery. What an amazing voice !


5 Reasons Workplace Wellness ROI Is Much Ado About Nothing

By now many of us know ROI stands for "Removal of Intuition." But some of our leading "pointy heads of wellness," (not you, of course) keep telling us getting ROI data for your wellness program is mission critical − and they mean "Return on Investment."

I am not buying into the need to demonstrate a need for their definition of ROI at every workplace. Here are a few things that come to mind when I hear the phrase Return on Investment being used with day-to-day practitioners of wellness programs:

1. Difficult: I'd rather take the same amount of time, money, and effort and develop an in-depth knowledge of quantum physics. Or attend an Astrophysics convention for some light entertainment.

2. Success must be hidden: If your wellness program was working great, why would you have to produce complex metrics to prove it? Wouldn't it be obvious by just walking around and observing? It's like trying to teach someone how to know when they're hungry. You don't need to. They just know.

3. Where are the underwriters? Insurance actuaries and underwriters (not allowed within a two city block radius of a wellness conference) would immediately and dramatically lower the cost of risk based on wellness ROI − if it really was the "Holy Grail" of health cost management. I suspect they're suspect about wellness ROI data.

4. Road Runners don't dwell on ROI? For those that think business execs use ROI to justify all decisions − why don't I remember the ROI data that drove business mobile phone sales? Or the ROI metrics that got businesses using email?
If you want to get steam rolled like the Coyote while your competitors take off like the Road Runner - just sit around and wait for definitive ROI data when the evidence is intuitive. Does anyone really think healthy people are not less expensive and more productive than unhealthy employees?

5. Too much stuff in the mix: An employee benefit plan is much like a fruit smoothie. Lots of stuff going on in there. To isolate one element of it, and claim it was the cause of a cost reduction, would take months or years, millions of dollars, and an impeccable scientific methodology. Check out the Workplace Wellness Programs Can Generate Savings by Baicker, Cutler, and Song. Refer to that study and tell your management "what they said." But to try to re-demonstrate an ROI at every workplace is lunacy. Even this highly-respected review of the literature presents significant disclaimers to the data.
If Wellness Cost Just 1% of Healthcare,
You're Paying 1% Too Much

By the way, I think many workplace wellness tactics have been outdated by fast-evolving communication technology and billions of dollars of easily available online health resources. There is no reason that a top-notch wellness program can't be offered for $0 PEPY (per employee per year). You read that right. F R E E!

And don't get me started by telling me your wellness program cost is just 1% or 2% of your total healthcare spend. That's way (way, way) too expensive! It's based on a pricing model that reflects wellness practices that unnecessarily re-create resources, and employs complex and labor intense practices. And all-the-while ignores the rich resources now available to anybody with an internet connection.

The First Step to Building a Great Health and Wellness Program: Think!

Before you put out an RFP (request for proposal) for an HRA (health risk appraisal), or dive into the new fad called "gamification," or start scheduling a health fair, or order the pedometers - STOP!
Here are some simple questions you should ask first.

1. What does your organization mean when it uses the term "wellness"? Is there a more appropriate term?

2. How may wellness contribute to your core competencies as an institution?

3. What type of priority should be given to wellness? And what do you hope to accomplish?

4. Why would your employees or associates want to invest time or effort in a wellness initiative? And would 90% or more of them participate without a financial incentive?

5. Exactly what has to change in your environment, and over what period of time?

6. Have you researched all the possible resources within your workplace, within a five-mile radius of your workplace, and the appropriate free resources online?

7. What are the primary obstacles you may encounter, and how will you overcome them?

8. What do people want to do that may improve their health?

When you start asking probing questions, you may come up with a deeper and more lasting approach to helping people enjoy good health. For example, what if...

• volunteerism became a focal point, and your employees and their families chipped in time and energy to help fill a need in your community? That's wellness.

• music became the common bond of your population -- forming a choir or jazz band, or teaching local kids to play instruments and sing? That's wellness.

• matching up with a buddy for a variety of activities was the most important thing, but what they did together was of secondary importance? That's wellness.

• tapping the undiscovered talents and skills of those you work with became important? Think about storytellers, musicians, mathematicians, campers, financial types, bike riders, and authors within your midst − they could all share interesting, new insights. That's wellness.

• everyone became an amateur social media reporter, with the assignment of telling the amazing stories of their coworkers? That's wellness.

Wellness Should Not Be a Clinical Undertaking
As a general rule, I try to steer managers from thinking of wellness as a clinical undertaking. If you can help crack the barriers of loneliness, insecurity, and distraction in people's lives, you'll help them far more than counting steps or tracking biometrics. And if you plan to take that approach as a long-term commitment, you're on the right track.

It's important to spark people's curiosity and interest. We all need to be placed in a position of wanting to learn more and in trying something new. It doesn't take money to do that. It takes creativity. If people want to talk about what they did or learned, how much it meant to them, and why they valued that time − isn't that what life is about? That's wellness.

5 Techniques of Physiotherapy That Reduces Pain

Physiotherapy helps to restore movement and normal body function after you've experienced an illness, injury, or a disability. To effectively reduce pain, most physiotherapists look at your whole body instead of focusing on specific areas of your illness, injury, or disability. This post explores the five most common techniques a physiotherapist uses to reduce your pain.

Movement and Exercise
Physiotherapists design therapeutic exercises to strengthen your affected body area. You need to do these exercises daily for a set number of weeks. When you're recovering from an operation or an injury that impacts your mobility, the physiotherapist may include walking and swimming to your normal therapeutic exercise routine.
If you're immobile because you've suffered a stroke, a physiotherapist may recommend circuit therapy. Studies indicate that this type of therapy improves your ability to walk farther, longer and faster, and improve your balance.

Manual Physiotherapy Techniques
Manual physiotherapy techniques use the hands to mobilize your joints and soft tissues. These techniques:
  • Enhance blood circulation.
  • Aid fluid drain from parts of your body efficiently.
  • Enhance movement of different body parts.
  • Decrease pain and increase relaxation.
The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) recommends manual physiotherapy to treat certain types of musculoskeletal conditions like back pain that has lasted longer than six weeks.
Massage is another manual technique used to reduce some symptoms of cancer and its treatment's side effects. According to an American study in 2004, massage therapy decreased symptoms of pain, sickness, tiredness, anxiety, and depression in all those who participated in the study.

Acupuncture is the process where needles pierce specific points of your body to relieve pain. This technique may work well as a complement to other physiotherapy techniques to promote the reduction in tissue inflammation and pain as well as encourage recovery.

To stimulate blood circulation and cell activity in deep tissue injuries, a physiotherapist may use high-frequency sound waves. The general consensus is that this type of therapy can promote reduction in pain and muscle spasms as well as enhance healing.

Aquatic Therapy -- Hydrotherapy
This form of physiotherapy is performed in warm water of a shallow swimming pool or a specially designed hydrotherapy pool. This therapy improves blood circulation, relieves pain, and relaxes your muscles.
Because physiotherapy is an individualized therapy, each person will respond differently to each technique. You're a unique person with a unique body type, movement pattern, and alignment. As a result, your physiotherapist will recommend a therapy technique based on your individual needs. However, the goal is the same, which is to restore your movement and normal body structure.

The Four Best Tips for Flat Abs

A toned and trim mid section is the holy grail of fitness. Switch on the shopping channels and you'll see a whole host of programmes and gadgets guaranteeing a chiseled torso in no time.
Unfortunately, it isn't as simple as that. There are many other factors involved in creating those bulges around your midsection. To achieve the flattest abs that you are genetically capable of, you need more than just 100 crunches a day and the latest ab machine. You need a total approach.

The quickest way to make your belly look smaller is to stand straight. And the quickest way to have a pot belly is to slouch. Whenever you slouch, your abdomen has no other place to go but stick out in front.
I cannot stress how important good posture is both for your looks and the health of your spine. Not only should you remind yourself regularly to sit and stand properly, but you should also make it a habit to engage your abdominal muscles instead of just letting everything hang out. This is one reason why I encourage people to do Pilates because it can improve posture dramatically.

Abs are made in the kitchen! To lose the fat from your tummy you must control the amount of calories you are taking in. Don't starve your self! Just eat whole, natural foods - cut out processed foods and sugar. Eat plenty of veg and avoid or limit alcohol and you'll make great gains in uncovering that six pack!
Constipation will also distend the tummy, so make sure to drink lots of water and eat high fibre foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. The fibre in these foods will also make you satisfied with less food and they are low in calories, too.

You have four abdominal muscles. The deepest muscle, transversus, wraps around your trunk like a wide belt. The next two muscles, internal and external obliques, crisscross your waist with diagonally opposing fibre directions. The most visible muscle is the rectus abdominis, which runs straight down the front of your abdomen.
When these four muscles are tight and toned, they act like a corset to hold your internal organs in place in your abdominal cavity. When they are flabby from not being exercised or from being stretched due to pregnancy, the internal organs bulge outward.
Abdominal exercises strengthen your abdominal muscles and, therefore, are a major weapon in the war against big bellies. However, they just don't use up enough calories to burn off the excess fat. So include a combination of resistance training and cardio training for the best results, ideally 3-5 times per week.

Alcohol, Smoking and Stress
What do alcohol, smoking and stress have in common? They all raise the levels of cortisol, a stress hormone that scientists suspect directs fat to be stored in the abdominal region. Stress can also indirectly affect your waistline if it drives you to overeat as a coping mechanism. Alcohol is a major source of excess calories because it is just so easy to gulp down hundreds of calories in one sitting.

A Total Approach Solution
Do heart-pumping total body exercise to burn off the fat and resistance training to increase muscle mass and metabolism. Improve your posture and learn to target all your abdominal muscles through Pilates. Eat unprocessed food, control excess calories and drink lots of water. Find ways to relax and, finally, stand straight and hold in your gut!